It’s time to come together, exchange ideas and celebrate together!
Under the motto zämechoدورهمیse rassembler, voCHabular is organizing an intercultural festival at the Dynamo in Zurich on May 19 and 20, 2023.

We want to bring together interculturally interested and engaged people and organizations in the field of migration. A colorful program of workshops, theater and concerts invites you to stand up together for an open and solidary society.

*Program changes possible


Your organization or project would like to be represented at the festival or support us financially? We are looking for partners who can make their commitment visible at the festival, promote the festival and feed our piggy bank.

Help out

Would you like to be a volunteer? We are looking for helping hands at the bar, at the entrance or at the clean-up.

Tickets cost CHF 5, 15 or 30 per day, depending on financial possibilities, and can be purchased directly on site. People who cannot afford the festival entrance fee have free access.

We regularly inform you about the festival on our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn!

Social Media Kit

The festival is supported by

Program contributors

Financial Support
